Saturday, 23 June 2007


This is one thing that really gets on my wick.

As you well know i have been working at O'sheas for the last couple of weeks now, everything going pretty well - even if i do say so myself.

However, last night was my first all nighter there.

The evening started off a little crap really, i was feeling really tired, hungry and fed up with my piercing, matters not being helped by a rather arrogant member of staff, more about him later!

Anyway, so as the evening went on (very slowly to begin with i may just add) i started to cheer up a bit.

I love working there, i really do, but i cannot cope with being spoke down to. By anyone. It is rude, arrogant and unnecessary.

Lets call him Dave. For arguements sake.

Dave* is a guy who i work with. Same level. Same pay. Same authority.

Dave has an issue with superiority.

Well, of course, i told him this.

I personally see nothing wrong or offensive in what i said, i merely stated that i do not appreciate being spoken to the way in which he speaks to me. To which he replied (i quote) 'if i am not a bitch, you will never learn' well, this pushed me over. I cannot believe that he was consciously treating me the way he was, i at least half expected him to be oblivious to his rudeness, apologise and get on with his life. But oh no, Dave here actually knows that he is a bitch, takes pleasure from it and gets an authorities thrill from it!!

I just cant take it. I find it so hard to understand these people that make there way through life believing that they are more important than others. I can accept being given advise, or even critasism from someone who knows better than me, which of course he does, being there a longer period of time, but to purposly talk to me like something he has just stepped in, patronise me and make me feel smaller than a pint glass is really frustrating.

Anyway, he also added that he treats me no differently to any other member of staff here. I replied that my issue is not with how i think he singles me out but with the way in which he treats others around him. I then closed the case and left. I have to work with this arrogant plonker again tonight. Should be fun.

*name changed to protect person or persons involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is a universal experience, particularly on my 'turf' called usa. In enjoying your description, I can't help but believe that the ubermensch desires to be defied. Otherwise why else would he provoke, in today's egalitarian ideal? It's up to you to decide if he deserves to be defied.

This takes reverse-psychology to a new level, but can neutralize a hopeless case.
