Wednesday, 7 February 2007

We had illegals next door!!

Basically, I looked out the window yesterday morning to see a woman laying on the ground outside next doors house. One would naturally presume she had either fallen, tripped or fainted. Until two police vans, an ambulance and a couple of fire engines turn up that is.

So I then come to the conclusion that maybe there was a fire in the house next door, therefor the woman having to jump out of her window. But I was also wrong on this.

Well, word of mouth tells me this is what happened..

This unfortunate woman jumped out of a top floor window along with four others after hearing a knock at the door and seeing two police vans outside. So this brings me to believe that infact they were all illegal immigants trying to escape the police force, this particular woman being a little unsuccessful and breaking her leg.

Never a dull moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.