Friday, 3 August 2007

Its come to an end..

Well, today is officially the last day i will be with the family. Well i say that, but what i actually mean is its my last day as there aupair.

Ineke, Robbert and the children are all going to Denmark or Tuesday morning for just over 2 weeks, then when they return Melissa will be here to take over my role. So really i dont feeli like i am leaving them.

But even so! To mark the begining of a new era i will be starting a new blog, i am not sure on the address yet but when i know i will be sure to post a link!

p.s. Me, Ineke and Robbert went out for such a lovely meal last night but you shall have to wait as it will be the opening post to my new blog!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007


OK, sorry about the huge blogging delay! Time just seems to have flown by!!

Because of this i will have to post a few blogs to update you on my shananigans!

Firstly : School Holidays

The kids started there holidays last week, Monday and Tuesday i had all three of them and Thursday and Friday just the boys (Caroline was locked in the basement)*.

OK - So Monday i cant for the life of me remember what we did, and suggestions?!

Tuesday we went to the Bal-lorig. We have been there before in the last holidays - its awesome. The kids love it, they run off, get up to mischief and play for rounghly 51/2 hours then return, exhausted and ready to go home!

I then speedied off to work, compeleted my shift and enjoyed my Wednesday off.

Thurday i took the boys to the cinema to see Shrek 3. It was fantastic. Now, im not a fan of the old Shrek films but this was a gooden.

Friday - stressful. Enough said. Me and Jack took the boys to the Ondekhoek. It was packed. The staff were useless and we stayed close to 5 hours. The day turned out well but it didnt look like a good start!

This week the kids have pony camp, galloping, trotting, skipping, jumping, you name it - they can do it.

*She was actually at her Grandma's house - you didnt actually think we would do that did you?!