Tuesday 3 April 2007

Monday Monday..

OK, so although i am still not 100% sure why Mondays where invented, mine seem to be getting better. I woke up around 7.30, was a huge struggle but the thought of being able to make it back to my bed within the hour was satisfying enough to get me up in the first place. Went downstairs, sorted lunches and breakfast and off i went back up to bed. Infact, i slept until 12.30. A very welcomed sleep.

After getting up, making myself look at least half presentable, doing a wash load and conquering a few shirts that needed to be ironed i left the house to get the kids from school.

Now, as i have told you before, Mondays are Judo days. So after the usual routine of getting home from the school, going through the whole 'mag ik televisie kijken' 'nee! het weer is heel leuk! buiten spele!!' (ok so my Dutch isnt all that good, i am pretty sure i am going to be corrected on that one..) eventually giving in and letting them watch tele for a few minutes whilst i get the bikes out of the shed.. only to find Timo's is missing.. bugger its still at the school from Friday.. OK, its only 3.20, we have five minutes before we have to leave..

'schoenen en jas aan alsjeblieft!!' so we ran over to the school, Caroline trapsing behind, grab the bike, run back, load the buggy to the back of my bike and off we go to Judo.

So that was that, how fantastic.

Anyway, Monday evening i went over to the office to do some cleaning, to break up the evening i had a visitor, 5 infact. 5 14 year old boys. One of which had dropped a top off the balcony upstairs and wanted it back from the office garden (the cat has just done a really smelly poo in the litter behind me.. blimey it stinks!) anyway, once these kids find out i am English, they obviously want to stay and chat,

'can we come and watch you work'


'do you fancy my friend? he wants you to be his girlfriend'

'sorry, i think you may be a little young'

'i may be young but my **** is mature for my age..'

'at which point i say my goodbyes and close the door'

Bought a little amusement to my evening anyway!!

Once the office was all spangly clean i went to Coconuts, yes, at about half past 8, jack didnt finish until 11.30, leaving me in the company of jerome, nermin and the security guy. Was a very funny evening, and they laughed at my blimin hilarious joke that nobody else found funny. i would enlighten you on it but its in Dutch and doesnt make sence if translated to English, sorry guys.

So, that was my monday, fantabulostic.

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