Thursday 15 March 2007

High speed chase..

..Well, not exactly.

Me and Jack were walking through Zuidplein Metro station when some guy in a white bommer jacket starts talking to me. Well, to be fair I think it looked very much like he was selling something (considering he had Chipkaart stamped all over his back, one would naturally presume they were advertising, well.. erm.. chipkaarts). Anyway, so I looked at him, stated that I don't speak Dutch and hurried on my way.

Oh.. its not over yet.. So me and Jack are very innocently waiting on the platform when 2 guys (in the white Chipkaart bommer jackets) turn up along with the 'Metro Police'

So they ramble on at Jack in Dutch, insist that He show them our strippenkaart to prove we have paid and then start rambling at me. (At this point I really have no idea what he is talking about and just pressume he is doing a routine check of all tickets.) Anyway, so Jack informs them that I am English and therefore do not speak Dutch. Too which the 'Metro Police' guy completely ignores. So I very innocently look straight at him , carefully pronouncing every letter and repeat what Jack had said previously (in English, of course) I DO NOT SPEAK DUTCH THEREFORE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Well at this he looked quite taken aback and continued on his merry way.

Well as it happens. The guy I mentioned earlier (the one in the white bommer jacket who I thought was trying to sell me something) actually happened to be a ticket inspector who of which I blatantly ignored and turned my back on. Him, therefore presuming we haven't paid, leading to the (not-so) high speed chase on the platform.

Leading me to my next point of people who blatantly ignore the obviouse. When I state that I do not speak or understand Dutch, I do not say this for the pure humour of the situation. It is, in fact, true. So please, please, if I ever come across you in the street and you proceed to talk to me in your mother tongue, after realising I do not understand you, do not continue to talk.

P.s. the guy at the metro station was not the only person to do this, it seems to be a habit of a select few.

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