Tuesday 9 January 2007

Who wears the trousers?!

OK. So i can handle being woken up at some ridiculous hour in the morning to catch a plane. Go on Holiday. Receive some exciting news. OR EVEN WORK. But certainly. not. this. I am up. i have wellies on (and for those of you who know me. This would never usually happen.) I have the lead in one hand. The poopa scoopa in the other (and for all you Dutchies out there.. yes we do have to pick up the poop in England.. hence why i moved to the Netherlands.) and I'm just about ready to go. So I'm thinking, OK this is a good opportunity to get some exercise in the mornings (yes i have to do this everyday for at least the next two weeks) Well what a stoopid idea that was! have you ever tried to walk a dog in the freezing cold, gale force winds or Newton Abbot? DOGS. DON'T. MOVE.

OK. So we make it to the woods.. as you can see it goes on for a rather long time. So I'm walking, with my little camera having a whale of a time.

But it all gets a little to much for poor old molly. She needs to have another little rest. Bless her.

And another.

Until finally, she decides actually. Ive had enough, were off home now Rachel. Who does she think she is!! Someone needs to teach her who wears the trousers in this relationship.

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