Wednesday 7 February 2007

My amazing new plan..

Well, I have come to the conclusion that a food diary is the way forward.

You see, I don't want to loose wait for anybody other than myself, I am just fed up with the 'I look like crap' days. Therefore I thought if I know that at the end of each day I have to share with the world via my blog what I have consumed then I would try my best to eat a little better.. That's the theory anyway!!

So this evening I shall log back on and inform you of the munchies I have had today! I know this isn't highly exciting for you lot reading but I'm doing it for my benefit. Not yours. Mwhahaha.


mum said...

HI darling..I suppose the danger of an open diary is that you open yourself up to unwanted comments BUT I just can't resist this one!

I wish I didn't have to wait so long to loose weight.

Don't you just love your mum!

Practically Dutch said...

What?!! i'm so confused?!

Practically Dutch said...

oh.. i get it.. loose is actually spelt with one o. yes mother. very funny. x

mum said...

Nope! you haven't got it!! However, this has taught me a humiliating lesson - I still can't spell, you're still taking after me!!